Reviews of Paulo Freire's Books

Edited by Daniel Schugurensky, Adult Education and Community Development,
The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT)




This website, dedicated to Brazilian educator Paulo Freire (1921-1997), consists of a collection of reviews of his books and links to other pages on his life and work. The books are listed in chronological order. When the book has been translated into English, the first date refers to the original publication. Most of the reviews are in English, although some are in Portuguese.

The website was created by Daniel Schugurensky, Department of Adult Education and Counselling Psychology, The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT).



Some notes to consider before reading the reviews:

1. Although the most popular and influential book written by Freire is arguably Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1970), it is pertinent to note that his thought evolved during the following three decades. Hence, to understand Freire's lifetime contribution to education, it is better to look at his entire production rather than only at Pedagogy of the Oppressed. In fact, in Pedagogy of Hope (1994), Freire revisited Pedagogy of the Oppressed, and critically examined its main arguments a quarter-century later. As Freire reflected during the 1990s on his own evolution and the general coherence of his work, "If I was the same that I was 40 years ago, I would be profoundly disappointed. But at the same time, if I was nothing of what I was 40 years ago, I would be profoundly sad."

2. When reading the reviews below, please note that sometimes the original meaning of the Portuguese title written by Freire has not been maintained in its English translation. For instance, 'A sombra desta mangueira' ("In the shadow of this mango tree") has been translated as 'Pedagogy of the Heart'. Likewise, 'Pedagogia da Autonomia' has been translated as 'Pedagogy of Freedom,' and in its second edition (2001) it includes the subtitle of 'Ethics, Democracy and Civic Courage'. Similarly, in 'Professora Sim, Tia Nao: Cartas a Quem Ousa Ensinar' (Professor, not Aunt: Letters to those who dare teach) the first part of the title has been translated as 'Teachers as cultural workers'.

3. Notice that some books written by Freire have not been translated into English yet. This includes his first book (Educacao e atualidade brasileira). His last book (Pedagogia da indignacao: Cartas Pedagogicas) was translated into English in October 2004. Both publications have been already translated into Spanish.

4. When Freire passed away in 1997, he was writing a book on ecopedagogy.

5. One tip when searching for materials by or on Freire, is to search for Friere (especially in anglophone libraries and databases).

6. Finally, note that some books listed below do not include a review yet. Hence, more than a note, this is an invitation! If you have written a review of any of Freire's books, and would like it to be posted on this website, please send it to:

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Educação e atualidade brasileira (1958, 2001) (Portuguese and Spanish) (1 review)

Education as a Practice of Freedom (1967, 1974)

Cultural action for freedom (1968, 1970) (1 review)

Pedagogy of the oppressed (1968, 1970) (6 reviews)

Extension or communication? (1969, 1973) (1 review)

The political literacy process (1970)

Witness to liberation, in Seeing education whole (1970)

Education for Critical Consciousness (1973) (3 reviews)

Pedagogy in Process: The Letters to Guinea Bissau (1977, 1978) (2 reviews)

Educação e mudança. (Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1981)

The importance of the act of reading (1982, 1983)

The politics of education: culture, power and liberation (1985) (2 reviews)

Pedagogy of the City (1991, 1993) (1 review)

Pedagogy of Hope (1992, 1994) (2 reviews)

Teachers as Cultural Workers: Letters to those who dare teach (1993, 1998) (3 reviews)

Letters to Cristina: reflections on my life and work (1994, 1995) (3 reviews)

Pedagogy of Freedom (1997, 1998) (2 reviews)

Pedagogy of the Heart (1997) (Preface, 1 review)

Pedagogy of Indignation (2000, 2004)

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Paulo Freire In Collaboration with others

With A. Faundez. Learning to question: a pedagogy of liberation (1985, 1989) (1 review)

With D. Macedo. Literacy: Reading the word and the world (1987)

With I. Shor. A pedagogy for liberation: dialogues on transforming education (1987)

With I. Shor. Freire for the classroom: a sourcebook for liberatory teaching (1987)

With H. Giroux & P. McLaren. Teachers as intellectuals: towards a critical pedagogy of learning (1988)

With I. Shor. Cultural wars: School and society in the conservative restoration 1969-1984 (1988)

With Moacir Gadotti, Sergio Guimaraes, and Isabel Hernandez. Pedagogia, Dialogo y Conflicto (1988)

With H. Giroux & P. McLaren. Teachers as intellectuals: towards a critical pedagogy of learning (1988)

With M. Horton et al. We make the road by walking: Conversations on education and social change (1990) (3 reviews)

With J. Fraser et al. Mentoring the mentor: A critical dialogue with Paulo (1990)

With M. Escobar & G.Guevara Niebla. Paulo Freire on higher education: A dialogue at the National University of Mexico (1994)

With Donaldo Macedo. Ideology Matters. (1997, reprinted 2001)

With Manuel Castells, Ramon Flecha, Donald Macedo, Henry Giroux and Paul Willis. Introduction by Peter McLaren. Critical Education in the New Information Age  (1998) (1 review)

With Daniel S. Schipani. Educacion, Libertad y Creatividad. Encuentro y Dialogo con Paulo Freire (1998)

See also:

Allman, Paula, chris cavanagh, Chan Lean Hang, Sergio Haddad, and Peter Mayo (eds.) (1998). Convergence: A Tribute to Paulo Freire. Reprinted 2002 by Catalyst Centre. Toronto: ICAE.

Gadotti, Moacir (org.). Paulo Freire: uma biobibliografia. São Paulo, Cortez Editora; Instituto Paulo Freire; DF: UNESCO, 1996.

P. McLaren and P. Leonard (eds.). Paulo Freire: A critical encounter (1993) (1 review)

P. McLaren and Colin Lankshear (eds.). Politics of liberation: Paths from Freire (1994) (1 review)

Torres, Carlos Alberto (ed.). Paulo Freire y la agenda de la educación latinoamericana en el siglo XXI. Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2001.

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Other Paulo Freire sites:

bulletCatedra Paulo Freire (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Sao Paulo)
bulletPaulo Freire Institute, Sao Paulo, Brazil
bulletPaulo Freire Institute, University of California at Los Angeles
bulletPhotos of Paulo Freire
bulletPaulo Freire: A homage, by Moacir Gadotti and Carlos A. Torres
bullet Paulo Freire (National-Louis University ACE page)
bulletA brief biography of Paulo Freire, by Leslie Bentley
bullet"Scientism as a form of racism" by Freire/Macedo
bulletIssues in Freirean Pedagogy, by Tom Heaney (includes a glossary of frequently used terms)
bulletQ&A: The Freirian Approach to Adult Literacy Education, by David Spener
bulletBlanca Facundo's critique of Freire's ideas, and reactions to Facundo's critique
bulletSummary of Freire's main contributions and problematic areas, by Mark K. Smith
bulletInterview with Paulo Freire in 1990, by Carlos A. Torres  (Published in Aurora, 1999)


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Last updated on June 08, 2006.